Saturday, December 27, 2003
PETA objects to donkeys being used to carry bombs that kill people, but takes a neutral stance on "human wars"... War -- no comment. Donkey bombs -- very bad.
Donkey bomb protested
JERUSALEM (JTA) -- An animal rights group complained to Yasser Arafat about the use of a donkey in a recent terrorist attack. (Link to PETA's letter).
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wrote to the Palestinian Authority president after a Jan. 26 bombing in Jerusalem in which a donkey, but no people, died when a bomb strapped to the animal was detonated, The Washington Post reported.
"All nations behave abominably in many ways when they are fighting their enemies, and animals are always caught in the crossfire," PETA President Ingrid Newkirk wrote, noting television images of stray cats in Arafat's Ramallah compound fleeing "as best they could from the Israeli bulldozers."
"If you have the opportunity," she continued, "will you please add to your burdens my request that you appeal to all those who listen to you to leave the animals out of this conflict?"
But Newkirk didn't ask Arafat to persuade his followers to stop killing Israeli human beings, because "it's not my business to inject myself into human wars," she told the Post.
Donkey bomb protested
JERUSALEM (JTA) -- An animal rights group complained to Yasser Arafat about the use of a donkey in a recent terrorist attack. (Link to PETA's letter).
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wrote to the Palestinian Authority president after a Jan. 26 bombing in Jerusalem in which a donkey, but no people, died when a bomb strapped to the animal was detonated, The Washington Post reported.
"All nations behave abominably in many ways when they are fighting their enemies, and animals are always caught in the crossfire," PETA President Ingrid Newkirk wrote, noting television images of stray cats in Arafat's Ramallah compound fleeing "as best they could from the Israeli bulldozers."
"If you have the opportunity," she continued, "will you please add to your burdens my request that you appeal to all those who listen to you to leave the animals out of this conflict?"
But Newkirk didn't ask Arafat to persuade his followers to stop killing Israeli human beings, because "it's not my business to inject myself into human wars," she told the Post.
Thursday, December 25, 2003

Not content with pissing off mothers and Jews, PETA goes after Catholics with billboards of the Virgin Mary holding a dead chicken.

Larry the Lobster and Gill the Fish, two of PETA's mascots. What Larry the Lobster (or at least the person inside the costume) doesn't know, is that lobsters only turn red after they're boiled. So that's Larry the Dead, Boiled Lobster telling us that "Being Boiled Hurts!" He would know.

In an attempt to link milk drinking with obesity, PETA runs an advert with the image of rotund British comedian Bernard Manning with a milk mustache -- without his permission. PETA says "Bernard Manning is the perfect parody figure for a milk-industry poster child because of his jokes about white supremacy." To which Manning replies, "I'm diabetic. I don't drink milk. I don't know what they're talking about."
As for charges of racism, well, Manning is a real piece of work. On a BBC documentary on Mother Teresa, he managed to squeeze in a mention of some of Adolph Hitler's good works. What a bastard.
How any of this relates to milk is anyone's guess.
Is it possible for PETA to make a public realtions ploy that isn't inherently funny? Check out PETA's zany attempt to convert a cannibal. Bear in mind that this is a guy who convinced someone to chop off his own penis and then share it as dinner.
I've called PETA a bunch of kooks before, but now, I've changed my mind. They're completely psychotic!

Fur flies over flier: PETA targets Nutcracker kids
By David Weber
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Animal rights advocates will single out small children at performances of "The Nutcracker'' in the next few weeks by handing out fliers saying "Your Mommy Kills Animals" to youngsters whose mothers are wearing fur.
"Children can't look up to a mom in a battered-raccoon hat or a crushed coyote collar,'' said Ingrid Newkirk, president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. "Maybe when they're confronted by their own children's hurt looks, fur-wearers' cold hearts will melt.''
The fliers include a color drawing of a woman plunging a large bloody knife into the belly of a terrified rabbit. The fliers urge kids to "ask your mommy how many dead animals she killed to make her fur clothes.
"And the sooner she stops wearing fur, the sooner the animals will be safe. Until then, keep your doggie or kitty friends away from mommy - she's an animal killer.''
Brookline child psychologist Dr. Carolyn Newberger called the tactics ``terribly dangerous to children.''
"It's using children in the worst possible way,'' she said. "If (the activists) want to legitimately work to protect animals from destruction for fashion, they have every right to. But to do so by targeting children and making them feel their mothers are murderers is absolutely unconscionable.''
Lisa Franzetta, a national coordinator for PETA, said the group will launch its "fur-ocious'' protest at 'Nutcracker' performances in as many as 20 cities across the United States.
Franzetta acknowledged the anti-fur campaign might spark a backlash. "It's definitely provocative, I will give you that,'' she said.
(Thanks to FARK for the link.)

Fur flies over flier: PETA targets Nutcracker kids
By David Weber
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Animal rights advocates will single out small children at performances of "The Nutcracker'' in the next few weeks by handing out fliers saying "Your Mommy Kills Animals" to youngsters whose mothers are wearing fur.
"Children can't look up to a mom in a battered-raccoon hat or a crushed coyote collar,'' said Ingrid Newkirk, president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. "Maybe when they're confronted by their own children's hurt looks, fur-wearers' cold hearts will melt.''
The fliers include a color drawing of a woman plunging a large bloody knife into the belly of a terrified rabbit. The fliers urge kids to "ask your mommy how many dead animals she killed to make her fur clothes.
"And the sooner she stops wearing fur, the sooner the animals will be safe. Until then, keep your doggie or kitty friends away from mommy - she's an animal killer.''
Brookline child psychologist Dr. Carolyn Newberger called the tactics ``terribly dangerous to children.''
"It's using children in the worst possible way,'' she said. "If (the activists) want to legitimately work to protect animals from destruction for fashion, they have every right to. But to do so by targeting children and making them feel their mothers are murderers is absolutely unconscionable.''
Lisa Franzetta, a national coordinator for PETA, said the group will launch its "fur-ocious'' protest at 'Nutcracker' performances in as many as 20 cities across the United States.
Franzetta acknowledged the anti-fur campaign might spark a backlash. "It's definitely provocative, I will give you that,'' she said.
(Thanks to FARK for the link.)
From Trevor Blake, on the Pleasant Blog:
More PETA kookery... Jeanne Daniels owns the Tarrytown Shopping Center in Austin, TX, and is a supporter of "animal rights" (according to the Austin American Statesman). And so even though the mall is infested with ants, none of the ants may be killed - they must instead be "moved." No one in the mall is allowed to sell leather products. "At least three businesses two restaurants and a grocery/deli have left the mall over the past few years because they were selling meat and Daniels wouldn't allow it." One soon-to-be former tenent says "This has become such an uncomfortable place for humans that the shopping center is facing a downturn of sorts." But this isn't the first time Jeanne Daniels has made the news. Previously she bought a $90,000 2001 model black Mercedes-Benz CL 500, then spent about $5,000 having the leather seats removed. The seats were given to members of PETA, who (wearing cow costumes) hand-delivered them to Mercedes-Benz in Michigan and Germany. Koo-koo! Koo-koo!
More PETA kookery... Jeanne Daniels owns the Tarrytown Shopping Center in Austin, TX, and is a supporter of "animal rights" (according to the Austin American Statesman). And so even though the mall is infested with ants, none of the ants may be killed - they must instead be "moved." No one in the mall is allowed to sell leather products. "At least three businesses two restaurants and a grocery/deli have left the mall over the past few years because they were selling meat and Daniels wouldn't allow it." One soon-to-be former tenent says "This has become such an uncomfortable place for humans that the shopping center is facing a downturn of sorts." But this isn't the first time Jeanne Daniels has made the news. Previously she bought a $90,000 2001 model black Mercedes-Benz CL 500, then spent about $5,000 having the leather seats removed. The seats were given to members of PETA, who (wearing cow costumes) hand-delivered them to Mercedes-Benz in Michigan and Germany. Koo-koo! Koo-koo!
THE NAME GAME: One of PETA's recurring fantasies is that if they can just get a town to change its name (in exchange for free vegan burgers), they'll get a ton of good publicity. So far, they've just managed to irk a bunch of city councils.
PETA asks Rodeo in Contra Costa County to change its name to Unity. They chose "Unity" because of the Union Oil Company was formerly a big employer in the town. However, "The Californio lore certainly carries a more positive connotation than renaming Rodeo after an oil refinery, she (Diane Leite, Comittee chair) said. After 100 years of heavy industry, the town's land is difficult to develop because of toxic exposure."
In 1996, PETA asked Fishkill, NY to change its name to Fishsave. The mayor called the request "idiotic", and news reports pointed out that the "kill" part in the name is actually the Dutch word for "stream."
PETA asks Hamburg, Pennsylvania, to change its name to the not-at-all-silly name of Veggieburg in exchange for $15,000 worth of vegetarian patties for schools. PETA spokesman Joe Haptas admits "This campaign is a bit tongue-in-cheek because we don't expect anybody to accept, but the offer is serious." PETA extends the offer to Hamburg, NY and Hamburg, Germany, with similar results.
Perhaps giving up on asking whole towns to change their names, in 2000, PETA asked the Green Bay Packers to change their name to the Green Bay Pickers "referring to picking fruits, vegetables and other crops, or possibly the Green Bay 'Six-Packers,' referring to the state's brewing history."
Finally, they convinced one of their own to change her name from Karin Robertson to
PETA asks Rodeo in Contra Costa County to change its name to Unity. They chose "Unity" because of the Union Oil Company was formerly a big employer in the town. However, "The Californio lore certainly carries a more positive connotation than renaming Rodeo after an oil refinery, she (Diane Leite, Comittee chair) said. After 100 years of heavy industry, the town's land is difficult to develop because of toxic exposure."
In 1996, PETA asked Fishkill, NY to change its name to Fishsave. The mayor called the request "idiotic", and news reports pointed out that the "kill" part in the name is actually the Dutch word for "stream."
PETA asks Hamburg, Pennsylvania, to change its name to the not-at-all-silly name of Veggieburg in exchange for $15,000 worth of vegetarian patties for schools. PETA spokesman Joe Haptas admits "This campaign is a bit tongue-in-cheek because we don't expect anybody to accept, but the offer is serious." PETA extends the offer to Hamburg, NY and Hamburg, Germany, with similar results.
Perhaps giving up on asking whole towns to change their names, in 2000, PETA asked the Green Bay Packers to change their name to the Green Bay Pickers "referring to picking fruits, vegetables and other crops, or possibly the Green Bay 'Six-Packers,' referring to the state's brewing history."
Finally, they convinced one of their own to change her name from Karin Robertson to
I can just laugh at PETA all day long.
"PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, translated the slogan 'Dump Dairy' to get their message across to Spanish-speaking schoolchildren in the US. But the literal translation 'Eche la leche' can also mean "Discharge sperm' in slang."
"PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, translated the slogan 'Dump Dairy' to get their message across to Spanish-speaking schoolchildren in the US. But the literal translation 'Eche la leche' can also mean "Discharge sperm' in slang."
The classic offensive PETA campaign: equating killing chickens with the Nazi holocaust. This ticked off the Anti-Defamation League, who issued the statement: "The effort by PETA to compare the deliberate, systematic murder of millions of Jews to the issue of animal rights is abhorrent. PETA's effort to seek approval for their 'Holocaust on Your Plate' campaign is outrageous, offensive and takes chutzpah to new heights."
This new blog will be a sporadically updated repository for all the infuriating news stories about PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a group of well-meaning activists who have a knack for over-the-top propaganda and never quite getting their facts straight. The first of these posts will be culled from the archives of Pleasant, and thereafter, news as it occurs.